Последна актуализация на 4 септември 2024 г. от Екипът на Divernet
Водолазите в Южна Сицилия са открили скулптурата на подскачащ кон, смятана за отдавна изгубен мраморен фасционен орнамент от храма на Зевс в древния град Агридженто.
The frieze had been lying about 9m down in the Mediterranean Sea, about 300m off the coast at San Leone, a small town near the mouth of the Akragas river.
Its presence had been known about for some time, but had been dismissed in an archaeological survey as a ‘tub’ or ‘tank’ of no significance.
Сицилия или Сикелия е била гръцка колония между 8-ми и 5-ти век пр.н.е. и център на западната средиземноморска цивилизация. Сан Леоне се намира на юг от съвременния град Агридженто.
The volunteer members of the BC Sicily Underwater Group said that they had never been convinced that the heavily concreted artefact was merely a discarded modern receptacle.
Led by Gaetano Lino, they dived it in October 2022 to obtain a series of photographs, from which they produced a 3D model.
This made it clear that the object was indeed a carving, and this was reported to the Superintendency of the Sea.
However, it was only after two previous attempts had been defeated by turbulent seas that it was finally able to be lifted for conservation on 2 February.
Операцията е извършена от водолази-карабинери в присъствието на служители от Морското управление и пр. н. е. подводна група Сицилия.
Horses were an iconic element in artistic representations from the Greek period, and the frieze, which measure 2 x 1.6 x 0.35m, was almost certainly made of Proconnesian marble, says the group.
This coarse-grained white stone with blue veins was supplied from the island of Propontis, off what is now Türkiye.
Също в Divernet: Делфин вдигна котва в Сицилия, Дълбока развалина край Сицилия дава буркани, Гмуркания разкриват древни търговци на вино, Открити са тарани на древни военни кораби